
The Cucumber

Our first cucumber! I’ve been trying for several years, but it took the creation of a “warm bed” (raised bed covered with black plastic and watered carefully with warm-ish water, not freezing cold well water) to finally get something we can call a real cucumber.

Mike’s been watching it, saving it, planning to pick it when his folks arrived. They’re here. Bob found the cucumber and picked it because that’s what you do with ripe produce, but Mike hadn’t filled him in on the back story or explicitly told him to pick it yet, and thus it wasn’t picked with the necessary reverence for a first-ever, cherished, and saved cucumber.

But it was delicious all the same!

If the temp doesn’t drop for a while, we just might get another one or two.

Mike has collected a bunch of windows previously destined for the dump and is talking about a greenhouse for next year. That will require some prep work this year, but it could happen. Never underestimate a cucumber lover motivated by a first-ever homegrown cucumber.

Categories: Alaska

5 replies »

  1. Your story gives me a warm smile on my face 😉
    I have to tell you: In Norway, when everybody is in the moods for a vacation in the summertime, the newspapers give us light stuff to read (they seem to think: who uses the brains in the summer time, anyway, ..???) And this period is called “The Cucumber Time”, and the light stories are called “The cucumber news”…
    But you beat this a high time, with a passionate, hard working and mind-using story 😉
    We know about “warm beds” for “fruitility” here as well 😉 – and as always: please pardon my english

  2. Harriet, there is nothing to pardon. I love the story you shared. Cucumbers represent light, cool and refreshing to me- and I live somewhere that is neither cool nor refreshing in the summer!
    Jen, I understand Mike’s passion. I hope he was able to forgive his father! (I actually don’t doubt it for a moment.)
    Definitely a nice cuke. Congrats to you on you care and diligence.

  3. Having battled the downy mildew to harvest a couple of cukes (I think we’re up to 5), I feel you! And they are so much better than the ones in the market.