
Vampire High

vampire-high.jpgWhat’s on my nightstand? Vampire High, by Douglas Rees.

I picked this book off the library shelf a month or two ago, just because I liked the cover and vampires are currently hot. I didn’t get a chance to read it before I returned all my books.

Then I noticed the title/author on my Recommended Reading list. No idea who recommended it, but I knew exactly where to find it at the library, and I’m now reading it. I like the main character’s attitude.

nims-island.jpgNext up: Nim’s Island, by Wendy Orr.

I own this book, so normally I’d reserve it for winter reading when I don’t get to the library, but Becca has moved it to the top of my reading list. You see? I take recommendations very seriously.

Apparently, Vampire High is a TV series and Nim’s Island is a movie. Who knew? (Yeah, yeah. Everyone but me. I know.)

Categories: Reading