Funk & Weber Designs

“Bearly” Night

Whew! We released the latest Let There Be Night Stitchling, “Bearly” Night, during The Needlework Show in April. Actually, there were technical problems during the show and it ran into May, as I recall. If I can say May, then I won’t feel quite so lame. So, we released the latest Let There Be Night Stitchling during The Needlework Show in May. Today, I uploaded images and info to the web site.


A little background on “Bearly” Night. You might think that black-and-white pandas, like black-and-white zebras, are a pretty obvious choice for a black-and-white collection, and I’d have to agree. So why are we only now getting to them? Floating diapers.

Yep. FLoating diapers are the reason we’re only now coming out with black-and-white pandas. You see, the first attempts at pandas resulted in what appeared to be floating diapers. Don’t believe me? Look at the bottom of the young panda on the left. Tell me you don’t see a floating diaper!

After many attempts over several years, we finally got poses and perspectives that don’t send us into fits of laughter. We’re down to one floating diaper, really, and there are enough other things going on to take the focus off of it. Personally, I love the panda in the tree, the dangling foot in particular.

So did I ruin it for you? Will you see a floating diaper every time you look at it, or will you notice the adorable panda in the tree with its foot dangling? If you stare it long enough, that foot will move.

Categories: Funk & Weber Designs